The Do’s 

Check all essential car functions before hitting the road. Check tire pressure, oil change and all fluids are topped off to insure a safe and pleasant drive. Always keep your eye on the gas tank and fill up all the way, u might know where your next gas station is at home but not always on the road. 

Plan but don’t over plan ever stop along the way, the road trip is just about that the road. Enjoy the journey and crank up the tunes stop where you want enjoy the view then keep on trucking. 

Download music and maps directly on to your phone. Certain states and areas don’t have the best connection depending on your cell carrier so its always best to prepared for poor connection on the road. 

Pack a small cooler with water and other beverages and some snacks to help with excessive stops along the road, plus refilling water bottles helps with the environment and keeping all that plastic waste to a minimum 

The Don’ts

Don’t  over plan your day, get up early and hit the road you won’t be able to stop at ever rest stop or view and expect to keep driving thru the night. You and your car will need some time to rest before hitting your next major city stop. 

Speaking of over planning Don’t drive more then 6-8 hours in a day. Driving to much  tends to get very exhausting and drains you from all the other fun plans you had , specially driving at nights. 

Pack for all weather conditions, its always best practice to plan for the best and the worst so have some extra jackets and sweats In the car along with jumper cables and a gas canister just in case.